what quantity is directly proportional to the kinetic energy of the particles in a gas

Kinetic Molecular Theory and Gas Laws

Kinetic Molecular Theory explains the macroscopic backdrop of gases and can be used to understand and explain the gas laws.

Learning Objectives

Express the 5 bones assumptions of the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases.

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • Kinetic Molecular Theory states that gas particles are in constant move and showroom perfectly rubberband collisions.
  • Kinetic Molecular Theory can be used to explain both Charles' and Boyle's Laws.
  • The average kinetic energy of a collection of gas particles is directly proportional to absolute temperature only.

Key Terms

  • platonic gas: a hypothetical gas whose molecules exhibit no interaction and undergo elastic collision with each other and the walls of the container
  • macroscopic properties: backdrop that tin be visualized or measured by the naked eye; examples include pressure, temperature, and book

Basic Assumptions of the Kinetic Molecular Theory

Past the late 19th century, scientists had begun accepting the atomic theory of matter started relating information technology to individual molecules. The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases comes from observations that scientists made almost gases to explain their macroscopic properties. The post-obit are the bones assumptions of the Kinetic Molecular Theory:

  1. The volume occupied by the private particles of a gas is negligible compared to the volume of the gas itself.
  2. The particles of an ideal gas exert no attractive forces on each other or on their environment.
  3. Gas particles are in a constant state of random motion and move in direct lines until they collide with some other torso.
  4. The collisions exhibited by gas particles are completely elastic; when two molecules collide, total kinetic energy is conserved.
  5. The average kinetic free energy of gas molecules is directly proportional to absolute temperature but; this implies that all molecular motility ceases if the temperature is reduced to absolute zero.

Applying Kinetic Theory to Gas Laws

Charles' Police states that at constant force per unit area, the volume of a gas increases or decreases by the same factor as its temperature. This can be written as:


Co-ordinate to Kinetic Molecular Theory, an increment in temperature volition increase the average kinetic energy of the molecules. As the particles move faster, they will likely hit the edge of the container more than often. If the reaction is kept at constant force per unit area, they must stay further apart, and an increase in book will recoup for the increase in particle standoff with the surface of the container.

Boyle'southward Constabulary states that at constant temperature, the absolute pressure and book of a given mass of confined gas are inversely proportional. This human relationship is shown past the post-obit equation:


At a given temperature, the pressure of a container is determined by the number of times gas molecules strike the container walls. If the gas is compressed to a smaller volume, then the same number of molecules will strike against a smaller surface expanse; the number of collisions against the container volition increase, and, past extension, the pressure will increase equally well. Increasing the kinetic free energy of the particles will increase the pressure of the gas.

The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gas (role one) – YouTube: Reviews kinetic energy and phases of thing, and explains the kinetic-molecular theory of gases.

The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gas (office 2) – YouTube: Uses the kinetic theory of gases to explain backdrop of gases (expandability, compressibility, etc. )

Distribution of Molecular Speeds and Collision Frequency

The Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution describes the average molecular speeds for a drove of gas particles at a given temperature.

Learning Objectives

Place the relationship between velocity distributions and temperature and molecular weight of a gas.

Primal Takeaways

Primal Points

  • Gaseous particles motion at random speeds and in random directions.
  • The Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution describes the average speeds of a drove gaseous particles at a given temperature.
  • Temperature and molecular weight can affect the shape of Boltzmann Distributions.
  • Boilerplate velocities of gases are ofttimes expressed equally root-hateful-square averages.

Key Terms

  • velocity: a vector quantity that denotes the rate of change of position with respect to time or a speed with a directional component
  • quanta: the smallest possible packet of energy that can be transferred or absorbed

Co-ordinate to the Kinetic Molecular Theory, all gaseous particles are in constant random motion at temperatures above accented goose egg. The move of gaseous particles is characterized by straight-line trajectories interrupted by collisions with other particles or with a concrete boundary. Depending on the nature of the particles' relative kinetic energies, a standoff causes a transfer of kinetic free energy as well as a change in management.

Root-Mean-Square Velocities of Gaseous Particles

Measuring the velocities of particles at a given time results in a big distribution of values; some particles may move very slowly, others very rapidly, and considering they are constantly moving in different directions, the velocity could equal zero. (Velocity is a vector quantity, equal to the speed and direction of a particle) To properly assess the average velocity, average the squares of the velocities and accept the square root of that value. This is known as the root-mean-square (RMS) velocity, and it is represented as follows:




In the above formula, R is the gas constant, T is accented temperature, and Mm is the molar mass of the gas particles in kg/mol.

Energy Distribution and Probability

Consider a closed organisation of gaseous particles with a fixed amount of energy. With no external forces (e.yard. a alter in temperature) acting on the system, the total free energy remains unchanged. In theory, this energy can exist distributed among the gaseous particles in many ways, and the distribution constantly changes every bit the particles collide with each other and with their boundaries. Given the constant changes, it is hard to guess the particles' velocities at whatever given time. Past agreement the nature of the particle motion, withal, nosotros can predict the probability that a particle will take a certain velocity at a given temperature.

Kinetic free energy can be distributed only in discrete amounts known every bit quanta, so we can assume that any once, each gaseous particle has a sure corporeality of quanta of kinetic free energy. These quanta can exist distributed among the iii directions of motions in various ways, resulting in a velocity state for the molecule; therefore, the more kinetic energy, or quanta, a particle has, the more velocity states it has equally well.

If we assume that all velocity states are equally probable, higher velocity states are favorable because there are greater in quantity. Although higher velocity states are favored statistically, however, lower energy states are more than likely to be occupied because of the limited kinetic energy available to a particle; a standoff may outcome in a particle with greater kinetic free energy, so it must also outcome in a particle with less kinetic energy than before.

Interactive: Improvidence & Molecular Mass: Explore the role of molecular mass on the charge per unit of diffusion. Select the mass of the molecules behind the barrier. Remove the barrier, and measure the amount of time it takes the molecules to reach the gas sensor. When the gas sensor has detected three molecules, it will stop the experiment. Compare the diffusion rates of the lightest, heavier and heaviest molecules. Trace an private molecule to see the path it takes.

Maxwell-Boltzmann Distributions

Using the above logic, we tin can hypothesize the velocity distribution for a given group of particles by plotting the number of molecules whose velocities fall within a series of narrow ranges. This results in an disproportionate curve, known as the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. The peak of the curve represents the near probable velocity among a drove of gas particles.

Velocity distributions are dependent on the temperature and mass of the particles. As the temperature increases, the particles larn more kinetic energy. When we plot this, we come across that an increase in temperature causes the Boltzmann plot to spread out, with the relative maximum shifting to the right.


Upshot of temperature on root-mean-square speed distributions: As the temperature increases, and so does the boilerplate kinetic energy (v), resulting in a wider distribution of possible velocities. due north = the fraction of molecules.

Larger molecular weights narrow the velocity distribution because all particles have the same kinetic energy at the same temperature. Therefore, past the equation [latex]KE=\frac{ane}{2}mv^2[/latex], the fraction of particles with higher velocities volition increase as the molecular weight decreases.

Root-Mean-Square Speed

The root-mean-square speed measures the average speed of particles in a gas, defined as [latex]v_{rms}=\sqrt{\frac{3RT}{Thousand}}[/latex].

Learning Objectives

Recall the mathematical formulation of the root-mean-foursquare velocity for a gas.

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • All gas particles motion with random speed and direction.
  • Solving for the average velocity of gas particles gives u.s. the boilerplate velocity of zero, assuming that all particles are moving equally in different directions.
  • You can acquire the average speed of gaseous particles by taking the root of the foursquare of the average velocities.
  • The root-mean-square speed takes into account both molecular weight and temperature, two factors that directly affect a material's kinetic free energy.

Fundamental Terms

  • velocity: a vector quantity that denotes the rate of modify of position, with respect to time or a speed with a directional component

Kinetic Molecular Theory and Root-Hateful-Square Speed

According to Kinetic Molecular Theory, gaseous particles are in a state of constant random move; individual particles move at different speeds, constantly colliding and changing directions. We use velocity to describe the movement of gas particles, thereby taking into account both speed and direction.

Although the velocity of gaseous particles is constantly irresolute, the distribution of velocities does non change. We cannot gauge the velocity of each private particle, so we oft reason in terms of the particles' average beliefs. Particles moving in opposite directions have velocities of opposite signs. Since a gas' particles are in random movement, it is plausible that at that place will be most as many moving in one management as in the reverse direction, pregnant that the average velocity for a collection of gas particles equals zero; equally this value is unhelpful, the average of velocities can exist determined using an culling method.

Past squaring the velocities and taking the square root, we overcome the "directional" component of velocity and simultaneously acquire the particles' average velocity. Since the value excludes the particles' direction, we now refer to the value equally the boilerplate speed. The root-mean-square speed is the measure of the speed of particles in a gas, defined as the foursquare root of the boilerplate velocity-squared of the molecules in a gas.

It is represented by the equation: [latex]v_{rms}=\sqrt{\frac{3RT}{Chiliad}}[/latex], where vrms is the root-mean-square of the velocity, Mthou is the molar mass of the gas in kilograms per mole, R is the molar gas constant, and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

The root-mean-square speed takes into account both molecular weight and temperature, two factors that directly affect the kinetic energy of a fabric.


  • What is the root-mean-square speed for a sample of oxygen gas at 298 K?



Source: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-chemistry/chapter/kinetic-molecular-theory/

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